React Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt was built using React. The game contains styling with CSS elements.
- Open terminal/command prompt & git clone the repository onto your hard drive.
- Download if not already installed.
- Open terminal & CD into the directory where your files have been cloned
- Once you are in the treasure-hunt-coding-dolls directory:
For mac:
Type yarn,enter then yarn start enter,
For windows:
Type npm start enter
The Setup:
- 3 components
- App.js
- Board.js
- Square.js
- App.js contains the board
- Board.js contains 9 squares represented in state like this:
this.state = { spaces: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
User Stories
- As a player, I can see a web page with a 3 by 3 grid board game with question marks in each square
- As a player, when I click on one of the question marks, an alert appears with the id of the position in the grid
- As a player, when I click on one of the question marks, instead of the alert the space turns into a tree icon (In order to focus on the functionality of this step, you can start with switching the ‘?’ to the word ‘tree’)
- As a player, I can click on the question marks and behind one of the question marks is a treasure box icon and an alert appears with the text “You Win”
- As a player, I can see a counter that shows how many guesses I have left (starting at 9, 8, 7, etc)
- As a player, I can see a “win” or “lose” message when the game is won or lost
- As a player, I can click on a “Play Again” button to restart the game
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.